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This includes the following themes:
- Existing Certificate of Title details.
- Encumbrances and interests annotated on the title
- Encumbrances – Easements
- Right of way easements
- Right to drain Stormwater, Water, and Wastewater easement.
- Right to convey power, telecom, and additional utilities
- Encumbrances – Encroachments
- Building Line restrictions and marginal strips
- Encumbrances – Covenants
- protective, restrictive, fencing
- Consent notices,
- Stormwater Mitigation requirements, (Stormwater tanks)
- Geotechnical recommendation for the lot
- Minimum floor levels due to flooding or OLFP (Overland Flow Path)
- Wastewater pumps requirements.
- Encumbrances – Easements
- Interests
- Leases
- Adjoining landowner.
After your purchase, you’ll be sent a few options of time to meet online.