Flooding risk assessment report (Flooding report)


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Flooding risk assessment report (Flooding report)

Preparation of the flooding risk assessment report to support building consent and resource consent applications.

After reviewing on Auckland Council GIS Maps you may find that your site subject to flooding hazards, that means that the site is subject to an Overland Flow Paths or the site is located within a flood-prone area. A flooding risk assessment report will be required to estimate the catchments volumes and the MFL (Maximum flood levels) that your property is subject to during heavy rains. On the Flood report, our engineers calculate the minimum habitable and non-habitable floor levels required to comply with the AUP (Auckland Unitary Plan) requirements. If an  OLFP (Overland Flow Path) is running across your property or the property is within the flood prone area the flooding risk assessment report will be mandatory for your resource consent and building consent applications.