Infrastructure Report


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Infrastructure report

The infrastructure report identifies the engineering issues related to the proposed development and highlights the civil works that will be necessary to ensure that the proposed buildings and activities can be adequately serviced. In conjunction with the AEE report, the infrastructure report is the main documents to be provided on Land use and subdivision Resource Consent applications.

The following items are normally converted on the infrastructure report.

1. Introduction

2.Site Description

2.1 Location
2.2 Titles/Zoning
2.3 Topography
2.4 Geology

3.Proposed Development

3.1 Flooding Considerations & Overland Flow Path
3.1.1 Flood plain and flood sensitive areas
3.1.2 Overland flow paths

3.2 Geotechnical Engineering
3.3 Earthworks
3.3.1 Proposed Earthworks

3.4 Access
3.4.1 Existing Access
3.4.2 Proposed Access

3.5 Stormwater
3.5.1 Existing Stormwater
3.5.2 Proposed Stormwater
3.5.3 Stormwater Management and Quality

3.6 Wastewater
3.6.1 Existing Wastewater
3.6.2 Proposed Wastewater

3.7 Water Supply
3.7.1 Existing Water Supply
3.7.2 Proposed Water Supply
3.7.3 Water Supply Fire Fighting

3.8 Utilities
3.8.1 Power
3.8.2 Telecommunications