Record of Title Current with Diagram


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What is a Record of title?

Electronic property title records are called records of title.

Records of title (previously referred to as computer registers or certificates of title) prove the ownership of land and the rights and restrictions that apply to the land.

The certificate of title or record of title is specific to the property you are buying and has a record of things that can have an impact on what you can do with the property and any access you need to provide to others.

What is included in the Certificate of Title?
– Current property owners ;
– Names of previous owners
– Type of property (e.g. freehold, leasehold, cross lease, unit title);
– Rights and restrictions relating to the title, such as easements, covenants, caveats.

What is it used for?
Consent Applications including :
– Resource Consent
– Building Consent
– Subdivision Consent Applications.
– Pre-Purchase Diligence.
– Identify Proprietors owners, rights and restrictions, and property boundaries

What is in the Certificate of Title with Diagrams?

– The Title Reference, or Identifier Number
– The Date the title was issued
– Land Registration District
– Prior Title Reference
– Legal Description
– Current Proprietors
– Property Size
– Registered Interests (e.g Consent Notices, Mortgages, Easements).
– The Nature of the property (e.g Fee Simple)
– Plan Diagram of the property
– Unit entitlement for body corporates
– Issue Date of the title